Does your Pressure Washer Lose Pressure When Trigger Pulled? If so, you’re not alone.
Pressure washers are not meant to be used as water hoses. Instead, it would be best if you pumped the handle quickly and with the force for it to work.
If this is happening, there could be several things causing your pressure washer to lose pressure. So before you take it to the repair shop or buy a new one, avoid the hassle and check your power washer with this list in mind:
– Is there any debris clogging up the nozzle?
– Is there an air leak where water should be coming out of?
– Did you replace all of the o rings on your unit correctly?
Here’s a step-by-step guide on fixing typical problems we’ve encountered when working with DIY power washers that have trouble maintaining pressure.
Check for leaks
When you pull the trigger, your pressure washer’s pressure may drop because of small leaks, holes, or tears in its garden hose or a high-pressure hose. If you discover leaks, mend them or replace the hose to cure your pressure problems. It is also an excellent place to check for any kinks in the line that might be restricting water flow.
Check the Nozzle
If your nozzle is clogged with dirt or debris, it will restrict the amount of water that comes out and decrease pressure. Clear the nozzle by gently blowing into it or using a wire brush to break up any blockages.
Checking the Air Leaks
If the nozzle is clear and you’re still experiencing a loss of pressure, the issue may be an air leak from where water should be coming out. To fix this, remove the nozzle and inspect all o rings on your unit for rips or tears that might be causing the issue. Replace all of the rings that are damaged or worn.
Check the water source and water flow
If you’re using a pressure washer with a built-in water tank, make sure the tank is full of water and enough water flow. If you’re hooking up a hose to your pressure washer, make sure there are no leaks in the coupler between the garden hose and the pressure washer.
O-ring problems
If you’ve checked the nozzle, hose, and water supply for problems and your pressure washer still loses pressure when you pull the trigger, it may be time to replace the o-rings. O-rings are small, round pieces of rubber that create a seal and keep water from escaping. Over time, o-rings can stretch out or become brittle and crack. Replacing them is simple: remove the nozzle, place two new o-rings on it, and reattach.
Check your unloader valve
If you’re unsure where the unloader valve is, it’s usually located on your pump. Once you find it, check to see if it’s leaking. If it is, tighten the screws on either side of the valve until they stop moving and check to see if your pressure washer maintains pressure. If the screws are loose, tighten them until they stop moving and check for leaks again.
If your unloader valve still leaks, you’ll probably need to replace it.
Check for leaks in the pump
Suppose your unloader valve is working correctly and there are no leaks in the pump. In that case, your pressure washer is probably losing pressure because of a leak in the seals on the pump. To fix this, you’ll need to rebuild the pump.
Check the Pressure Washer Spray Gun
Suppose you’re still having problems maintaining pressure after checking the nozzle, hose, and water supply for leaks or kinks. In that case, it may be time to replace your spray gun. Spray guns can be damaged when they are dropped or hit against something, which causes the seals inside to become misaligned and leak. Replacing the spray gun is a relatively easy task–remove the screws on the gun’s back and replace it with a new one.
The Water is Too Hot or Too Cold
If the water coming out of your pressure washer is scalding or freezing, it may be too hot or cold to use. If this is the case, adjust the water temperature on your pressure washer until it’s more comfortable to use.
If your pressure washer is only designed for cold water, using hot water might cause the pressure to be disrupted. If you’ve been out in the sun all day, change the water in your pressure washer. If your pressure washer is a hot water pressure washer, make sure you’re using water that’s appropriate for it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Check The Oil Level
If your pressure washer is losing pressure, it might be because the oil level is low. Add oil to the pump until the level is correct.
Belt Slipping
Your washer is likely losing pressure after you’ve double-checked the nozzles, hoses, and water supply for leaks or kinks. The belt may be slipping if your pressure washer’s still not producing adequate pressure after you’ve checked for leaking nozzles, clogged hoses, and kinks in the water supply. Turn the tensioner screw clockwise until it’s tight to tighten the belt.
The Pump is Wearing Out
If your pressure washer is still losing pressure after you’ve checked the nozzle, hose, and water supply for leaks or kinks, and the belt is tight, it’s likely that your pump is wearing out. When the pump wears out, you’ll need to replace it as soon as possible before using your pressure washer again.
Replace the gasoline
The gasoline in your pressure washer might be running out if it’s losing power. A pressure washer with gasoline older than three months may have problems. Before replacing it, ensure there is no water in the tank or
Replace the spark plug
Check spark plug if faulty. The spark plug tip might be corroded or shattered, and you must change it as soon as possible.
You Need a New Pressure Washer
Suppose all of these solutions don’t work for you, and you’re still having trouble maintaining pressure with your power washer. In that case, we recommend taking yours to an authorized repair shop or buying a new one. We hope this article helped you troubleshoot the loss of water pressure on your own!
Last update on 2025-03-31 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API